Saturday, December 10, 2016



"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly."
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter From a Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963.

Recent world events, especially in America, have pushed me out of my comfort zone to seek out like minded souls who want to make a difference for the future of our children. I am praying to my Lord Jesus Christ for guidance in this new endeavor. MLK established the framework for justice for all of us with this quote. We are all expected to do something wherever we are. Even if it's just reaching out to change something for one girl, boy, man or woman. 

The massacres in Charleston, SC, the excruciatingly painful election season, the unjust murders by police officers and of police officers, horrendous school shootings and other heinous activities in this country rankles like an alarm bell in my spirit. Changing the world is a daunting task for anyone, no matter the means or the motives. For example, President Obama has been trying to do that from his powerful position as the leader of the free world. He has repeatedly been hampered by evil opposition. The wealthy benefactors have been trying to do this with money, like Bill and Melinda Gates, and they meet obstacles. Consequently, I believe you can only change the world if you start with individuals. The minds and hearts of individuals must change and want a better quality of life, not just for themselves, but for everyone. 

"A single garment of destiny"...A garment is made from fabric and the fabric is created with threads. Building strong threads is necessary to build stronger fabric and a stronger world. People all over this country and the world, your friends, family, career, and dreams are all threads, all crossing over each other and touching each other to make the fabric of life. Threads that are ignorant, hateful and unjust weakens the fabric and makes it easier for holes to appear. Those holes lead to the ruin of quality fabric, our world.

Strong Threads, Inc. is an attempt to make a change, one thread at a time. Help me to weave a better future. Join in the discussion for the next steps.

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